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Prayer and fasting for 21 days significantly strengthen our relationship with God.  We are to shift our focus to God and His wonderful works, not on the things of this world.  It is a good time to dethrone King Stomach, social media, television, phones, video games, and the internet.  This would allow you to spend more time cultivating a more intimate relationship with God.


A decision to sacrifice food and/or pleasure to get God's attention is a demonstration of faith and assurance in the God who sees, hears, and answers the cries of His people.


Types of Fasts

Key Points to Remember While You Pray & Fast

  1. Prayer is important because it helps us to stay close to God.  Prayer helps us to grow in our relationship with God.  Prayer is important because it makes us more like Jesus while revealing to us the heart and mind of God.

  2. Fasting is a normal part of a relationship with God.  When you eliminate food from your diet for a number of days, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world.

  3. Fasting releases God's anointing, favor, and blessing into our lives.  Fasting is the “key that unlocks heaven’s door, and slams shut the gates of hell.” 

  4. Fasting and prayer go hand in hand; fasting without prayer is starving and does not serve a spiritual purpose, and therefore, no rewards will be seen.

  5. When you fast and when you pray, you position yourself to have a supernatural encounter with God.  You are brought into a deeper, more intimate, and powerful relationship with the Lord.  Prayer and fasting unleash a secret source of supernatural power!

  6. Pray and Read the Word daily.

  7. It is a good idea to journal - daily if possible.

    • The reasons that you are fasting (remember the church's needs (local and global) along with your personal reasons)

    • What kind of fast are you doing?

    • The results of your fast.

    • How you feel each day and deal with each day – pros and cons of your fasting experiences.

  8. Drink lots of water (if not doing an absolute fast)

  9. Expect headaches, hunger pangs, and cravings for food, sugar, and caffeine.  These are the times to give in more prayer and spend more time with God.  You will be okay!  Remember, when you are desperate for God, He will meet you when you need Him most.  When you hunger for Him, you will be filled.

  10. Keep your mind on heavenly things - reduce TV time, gossiping, social media (especially Facebook and TikTok), secular music, and other distractions from your lives during this time.

  11. Play praise and worship music as much as possible; listen to the Bible (audio); read biblical devotional books.

  12. Days 2 and 3 are the toughest - especially if you are doing a liquid fast or partial absolute fast.

    • Pray and stay in God's Word.

    • Rest to conserve energy; this is NOT the time to exercise or spring clean - here, your body is burning fat for energy (those on liquid).

  13. Be smart/safe - if at any time you do not feel well (esp. if following a liquid fast) - drink more (esp. something with sugar) or eat fruits or vegetables; then continue.  God still sees and recognizes your sacrifice.

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Prayer Focus - Week One: January 6-12, 2025

For yourself and your family

  1. Pray for your relationship with God/developing and finding intimacy with and in Jesus.

  2. That you will be dependent on Him and His Word.

  3. That the Holy Spirit will be active in your life.

  4. Baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire: if you are already endued with fire from on high - pray that you will have a fresh filling/anointing.

  5. The boldness of spirit and faith to share the Gospel.

  6. That you will LOVE people and feel for others the way God does.

  7. The Next Generation - our churches are dying; who will the mantle be passed onto?  We need for the next generation to rise.

  8. Spiritual and edifying relationships in the body of Christ.

  9. Your lost family members/prodigals to come home.

  10. That your house will be a House of Prayer; pray that you will rebuild the altar in your home.

  11. Pray for financial freedom and security.

  12. Pray for health, strength, healing, and wisdom.

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